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Three skaters from the NOTL Skating Club competed at the K.I.S. Invitational competition, held on February 25-27, 2022 in Keswick ON.

Results from the competition:
Ashleen HaleGold Women
Ashleen HaleSTAR 9 (O14) Women1st
Ophelia XieSTAR 5 (U13) Women - Group 44th
Katharine VanderKaaySTAR 5 (U13) Women - Group 210th

Ashleen’s score in Gold Women ranks her 2nd overall in Ontario with her STAR 9 score ranked 5th overall.  Ophelia’s score ranks her 30th in the STAR 5 category.   These rankings have qualified both Ashleen in her two events and Ophelia in her event to compete at the 2022 Skate Ontario Provincial Championships.   The Provincial Championships are being held at the Iceland arena in Mississauga March 24-27, 2022.

Congratulations, skaters!