Hockey SkillSkate

Hockey SkillSkate**
This program will be offered to those skaters 4-5 years of age who wish to pursue hockey/ringette and have "some" skating experience (if your child has NEVER skated this is not the program for them, please enroll in our Learn to Skate Pre CanSkate program), where they will increase and improve their skating skills (stick handling is NOT part of this program). We will be learning the development level of control and agility, forward and backward, and introducing power to these young skaters. It is strongly suggested that skaters wear the equipment of their sport which will better prepare them in their individual development. This program is not a "learn to skate" Pre-CanSkate replacement.
Hockey SkillSkate Advanced**
This program will be offered for those skaters wishing to increase and improve their skating skills (stick handling is NOT part of this program). Skaters are required to be at our club’s CanSkate Stage 2 level and above or have an equivalent level through hockey/ringette experience. This program is not a CanSkate replacement.
This SkillSkate program is filled with fundamental “learn to train” drills that will enable skaters to pursue the ice sport of their choice, by teaching proper edge quality, and power and agility on the ice. Skaters must wear the equipment of their sport which will better prepare them in their individual development.
**if your skater is assessed by the Professional NCCP Instructor and does not meet the standards, you will be redirected to one of our programs that will better suit your child's needs and give them the necessary skills to learn to skate.
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